January 20, 2011

Pastry squares

This week has been a sifting and a shifting week for us. Sifted my refrigerator while shifting to a new place to make use of the many ingredients staring at me from the shelves, demanding an instant makeover. Among them- Puff pastry, dozen tomatoes, cheese and immediately i knew together they can make some sweet music. So pastry squares and a creamy tomato bisque gave way for a cozy dinner date with my husband beside our warm fireplace. An experience grander than all the chic and upscale dinners we have had outside. 

I detail the recipe of pastry squares here, soon to be followed by the recipe of the bisque in my posts later.

January 14, 2011

Scalloped tomatoes

Simplicity can never be overrated. But do not get mugged by the simple look of this dish , its devilishly camouflaged to hide a burst of flavors inside. A perfect marriage of ingredients to devour and keep your taste buds immersed in it for a long time!

January 11, 2011

Gajjar ka halwa

Happy New year's all ! I thought of starting my 2011 recipe box on a sweet sweet note.  Gajjar ka halwa , considered the dessert of desserts , is frequently prepared in the winter season in northern India. A favorite among people of all ages, this recipe will certainly quench and satisfy your sweet tooth  if you have any!

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